The bespoke...
Can't find what you're looking for on the market?
We can perhaps adapt one of our spearguns so that it corresponds to your expectations?
You have a crazy idea that doesn't correspond to anything available and you want to benefit from our expertise and our know-how?
lets talk about it, we see what we can do and if we believe in it, we will do it!

That's a Diabar.
(Not the fish in the photo, it's a mackerel, Diabar is the name of the gun)
Iroko body, mechanism et "full titanium" fittings, 3X16mm Extreme SigalSub, 8mm shaft.
It's designed for nailing big pargos, or anything else for that exceptional piece.
Limited edition, prices on request.

Here is a SKL-85 "Old Iroko"
A special order for a customer who wanted dark wood, a 6,5mm shaft (he has since returned and put a 7mm), a phosphor handle and the camera in mind and all balanced.
Never mind! The result is a little gem: